
Posted by Admin | 4:39 AM | | 0 comments »

Open Session(Ctrl+O)
Open the session file for editing. Supported file types are .sis .pkg and SISWare Session File(.ssd). The other way to open file by drag file and drop it onto the application window or drag and drop the file onto the SISWare icon.

New Session(Ctrl+N)
Create the new session file. The session file with some header information which needed to be existed in the header of pkg file will be added upon the selected Device Platform selection

Recent Sessions
Open the previously opened session file.

Save Session/Save Session As
Save the current session file. Save curent session or pkg script.

Close Session(Ctrl+T)
Close the current session file.

Shutdown SISWare.

Edit Menu

For undo the changes in document. Undo/Redo level can set up to 30 levels.
For Redo to the previous changes.

Cut the editable text from document.

Copy the editable text.
Paste Before/After(Ctrl+V, Ctrl+B)
Paste the editable text to the document, bfore/after the selected line(only on Session editor window).
Delete/Delete All(Ctrl+D, Ctrl+A)
Delete the editable text from document.
Undo the changes of the document(only on PKG editor window).

Cut the text from document.

Copy the text to clipboard.

Paste text from clipboard onto pkg editor window.

Delete selected text.

Delete All
Delete all text in document.

Find the specific word in document.

Mode Menu
Edit Mode
This menu used for change the current mode to editable.

With Edit Mode this allows

-Edit session or pkg script
-Compile session or pkg script
-Built sis file

When open sis file, the default mode is Preview & Extract Mode which allows

-Preview contents and information in sis file
-Extarct sis file

SIS Explorer(F7)
The advanced tool for exploring and extract the sis file contents. Before using this tool, you must close the current session from openning or editing.
Batch Files...(F11)
This tool used for multiple SIS files extraction.

To extract and export several SIS files at once. Click at Import button to import several SIS files to the batch list, then select Export All to export all contents of SIS files as pkg files or select Extract All to extract all contents of SIS files. The destination of extracted and exported files will be configured by select menu Extras ----> Configurations and change the input field File Extraction Target Folder/Export Offset and this will affected by Export all files to the same folder option in Application Setting options group

Before using this tool, you must close the current session from openning or editing.

Collect Files(F5, F6)
Collect files and included them in to project as entry, this will do in two ways. First, collect all files from folder included it's sub folder. The default collected files are appear as the copy file entry (file to be copied to the phone as default). The destination of files have the same offset that set on the Extras Menu ----> Configurations. Second, search the selected file type or extension from any folder and included them to the project.

This feature used for including files from any location which not specific to only project folder that others software is.

Edit MBM File(F9)
Call to SISWare's MBM Converter software to edit the multi-bitmap file(.mbm). MBM Converter is the external tool for extract bitmap file from multi-bitmap file(.mbm) and also make multi-bitmap file from various image files. If this software doesn't exist on your computer, SISWare will prompt you to download it.

Digitally Sign Tool(F1)
To create the private key file(.key) , public certificate file(.cer) or certificate request file(.p10) by given certificate file.

To create private key and self signed certificate file, choose the key file and certificate file to save. And specify the common name, organisation unit, organisation, country, email address, password and key length of encripted file.

Then click Create button.

To create a certificate request file, choose the key file and certificate file to open. And specify the common name, organisation unit, organisation, country, email address.

Then click Create button.

To sign your sis file(for Symbian9.x only), click at SIgn SIS File tab and give sis file to be signed, target signed sis file, certificate file and key file for signing your sis file. This sign tool support only Symbian9.x sis file.

To sign your sis file for pre-Symbian9.x platform you must:

1. Prepare the key file(.key) and certificate file (.cer) and/or its relevant password (which use to open the certificate file) and include them to the session or script as *"Private Key","Public Key Certificate",KEY="My Password"

2. Build your sis file, this key and certificate file will included in sis file and now your sis file is signed.

To sign your sis file for Symbian9.x platform you must:

1. Prepare the key file(.key) and certificate file (.cer) and/or its relevant password (which use to open the certificate file) and use Digitally Sign Tools from SISWare to sign your sis file. By go to menu Tools ----> Digitally Sign Tools and then under Sign SIS File tab, give all information including sis file to be signed, target sis file, key file, certificate file, password and signing algorithm.

2. Build your sis file, this key and certificate file will included in sis file and now your sis file is signed. And then click Sign button

To compile the pkg script or session. This will eliminate and ignore the invalid or unrecognized pkg's syntax. Then after compilation, the present of session or pkg script in your document will be validated.

Cancel Compilation(Ctrl + F2)
To cancel the compilation. Note that when cancel the compilation was selected, while compiling cause the truncated script or lost of information on the script.

Build SIS File(F3)
To build the desired sis file. After build were chosen, the build process will start. If the process continue to the end without error, then the sis file created. If the error occurs, you can see the error highlighted text line on Session Editor window or pkg Editor window.

Stop Build(F4)
To stop current build process. this feature will stop the build process by stop makesis from running and clean out the residual temp files.

Extract SIS File(F8,F12)
To extract all files in SIS package to the destination folder. This has two option to extract, Extract Selected File(F8) and Extract All Files(F12). The desination folder can be configured in Configurations window.

Device Platform
To select platform for compile and build process, now you can select the Series60 1st/2nd and 3rd edition platform.
Package Info
To manage the sis file configurations which included sis file name, sis's UID number, sis file version, product platform, type of sis package, compression algorithm and digital signature. These information need to be specify to tell the phone application installer about your sis information.
Package Name
To manage the sis file for several supported languages. This ups on the user default phone language. File which refer to target phone language will be only install to the phone and the others will be ignored.
Refer to the components that already install on the phone. This use for specify the dependency components or libraries that must existed on the target mobile device before software installation.
Vendor Name and Logo
This menu is for assign the localized and none localized vendor's name for your Series60 3rd Symbian SIS package. And apply the logo to be show while installing your SIS file. To specify logo, you must specify it's MIME type.

Copy File
To add file that to be installed(copy) to the target mobile device. The additional option while copy file to the devices are open by MIME and run file. With Open file by related MIME supported application feature, you can set the MIME type of the file to state the add/remove file manager to launch some application to run this file and also can set the installer to wait until that application were closed or continue the installation. With run file feature, you can run that file during events such as run during install, run during remove and etc. You can also specify file to be installed ups on the phone language by using language dependent option but when use this option, the options for open by MIME and run file in Symbian9.x sis file will be ignored.

Embedded SIS File
To add the sis file to be embedded to the target mobile device. The sis file will delete from phone when user remove the application. You can also specify file to be installed ups on the phone language by using language dependent option but when use this option, the options for open by MIME and run file in Symbian9.x sis file will be ignored.

Show Text
To show the dialog box of selected text file( utf or unicode file format) with these options:
Text Skip
Use Yes and No buttons in the text file dialog. If Yes is pressed, the dialog is cancelled and the installation continues. If No is pressed, the dialog is cancelled, and the installation will continue, but the next file or component specified in the pkg file will not be installed.
Text Exit
Use Yes and No buttons in the text file dialog. If Yes is pressed, the dialog is cancelled and the installation continues. If No is pressed, the installation is aborted and any installed files are removed.
Text Continue
Use a Continue button in the text file dialog. When the user presses this button the dialog is cancelled and the installation continues. This is the default.
Text Abort
Use Yes and No buttons in the text file dialog. If Yes is pressed, the dialog is cancelled and the installation continues. If No is pressed, the installation is aborted — normally resulting in a partial installation. When the Text Abort option was described and the user select Cancel or No when the text file displayed. The PKG line after that will be ignored and installation will terminate and only previous PKG line before Text Abort file are executed(with some files were installed). The phone's app manager will prompt the user to re-install again later and kept the original SIS file(for re-install) at some place C:\Nokia\Installs for Nokia Series60 Phone, the residual SIS file that used for application removal will be at folder !:\System\install for Nokia Series60 Phone. You can also set text file to be show ups on the phone language by using language dependent option.

Remove File
To delete file(s) from the phone when user remove the application. This feature used for delete some configuration files that created when software installing or running of application. And you can specify any file and folder that you want to delete when your application removed.

Option List
To show the selectable option to user when install the application to manage the installation. This entry used together with conditional verification in Condition Block(If statement).

Condition Block
To control the installer according to various attributes and conditions such as If, ElseIf, Else, Endif, Exist("filename") and condition primitives.

To add the comment line to the session document, this comment will be ignored when build SIS file.

To add the application and device capabilities pair value to the session document. For further information see the Symbian documentation.

Change Device Platform
To select platform for compile and build process, now you can select the Series60 1st/2nd and 3rd edition platform.

Built Log
To display the built log file... This log file will keep track the build result.

Hide/Show Command Box
To show or hide command box. The command box is the box or side bar that appear at the right of Editor windows.

Switch Window
To switching display between the Session Editor window and pkg Script Editor window.

To configure SISWare application including files collecting offset, splash screen display and syntax filtering which are described as following.

File collection offset
To specify the default offset path when collect file. See collect file menu.

Default Session File name
To specify the default name for session when New Sessionwas selected.

Extract Folder/Session Export Offset
To specify the default folder to save the extracted file and the offset of source file in the pkg syntax line when SIS Explorer -- Export Sessionwas selected.

Compile setting for supported syntax
To specify the compilation features of PKG and Session files.

Undo limit
To specify the number of storage undo operation.

Built log limit
To specify the limit of the saved built log file. This log file will keep track the build results.
Show splash windows
To enable/disable of splash window display. This splash window will show at startup.

Enable entry dragging
To enable/disable of entry line to dragging up/down and drop onto any place in Session Editor window.

Ask to save change before exit
To enable/disable of query dialog to display to prompt the user for discard or save change before exit from entry window.

Ask to compile session before build
To enable/disable of query dialog to display to prompt the user for discard or re- compile the pkg file before build.

Clear built log when exit
To enable/disable of query dialog to clear the old data of built log file before exit the application.

Use defined offset when export session
To enable/disable the defined offset of source files when export the PKG line in SIS package as session.

Include SIS information in PKG
To add the SIS infornation to the PKG file or session when export or open SIS file. This feature for Pre-Symbian9.x only

Extract all files to the same folder
To extract all files from SIS file to the one folder specific by the defined offset with the absolute path will be as example, if the folder you want to keep the extracted files(defined offet) is C:\MyExtract and the SIS file to be extracted is Sample.sis , then the absolute path will be C:\MyExtract\bin\Sample\ which in additional SISWare will make the folder named bin/??? where ??? is the name of SIS file, to be store the extracted file.

Always ask to save SIS file
Warn you to save sis file.

Session Filters List
In this list, you can select which syntax that you want to gether for compiling the pkg script or session.

Start SISWare With option
This option defined the starting up of SISWare that which window will be appeared when SISWare loaded.

Font Setting...
To config the editor's fonts and colours including session editor's font size and hilight and font color and PKG editor's font size and colour.

Project Property
This option tracks document information of SISWare Session File(.ssd).

To show this help file.

Re-Package Tips...
To show how to re-package tips.

Create SIS File for series60 3rd Edition Tips...
To show how to ceate sis file for Symbian9.x tips.

Update SISWare...
Connect to SISWare server to download SISWare.

SISWare on the web...
See what's new on the web.

Version History
Display the history of released SISware.

About SISWare...
Show application about window.

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