Copy File

Posted by Admin | 4:45 AM | | 0 comments »

This type of entry is file installation which will copy file from computer to sis package when shiped and from sis package to the phone when user install the application. (Computer --> Symbian Mobile Device)

1. Specify the Source File to be copied or click browse button on the right side.

2. Specify the Target File on the phone location, you can use the Location and Drive options to get the predefined target. The file location in Symbian9.x sis file will be restricted to specific location, in older version is not restricted.

3. On File option, choose the action that you want to perform when install this file. These option is optional.

4. If you want to specify the file to be installed which depending on the user phone language. Select the Language dependent, on the list choose the source file for that language and click at entry placement buttons to insert it. If you exit this form without press any entry placement button, the changes will be ignored.

5. If you use the Language dependent option and you want to specify more languages, close this window and go to menu Extras ---> Package Name and add more languages.

If the currently activated editor window is pkg script editor window, the entry placement may perform unwanted insertion of entry. Because no line of session assigned but you may choose Place New to insert the entry to the end of pkg script.

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