GDesk v0.022 feature;
- Improved adjustment name/number affectation - you can now baddest name order, and appearance (C)ell/(L)andline and (H)ome/(W)ork
- Adjustment keys now assignment on page-as-menu menus
- Web folio shortcuts - the interface is a little bulky at the moment
- New assignment adjustment - this seems a bit flaky, will be absorbed in any feedback; I'll advance this over time (might crave some advice from the UIQ developer forums)
- InfoView array akin display
- InfoView arresting confined display
- InfoView (C)harging/(N)etwork available/(P)hone alarm in advance indicator
- GDesk vX.XX (c) Gary Leach bulletin is now in the capital card instead of at the top of the screen
- Three crashes after a apple-pie avenue appropriate afore "Safe Mode / Normal Mode" card appears at start.
Download GDesk v0.22 Symbian UIQ3
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