Thank you for using SISWare4.7 SISWare is the best tools for Symbian Application Install package builder. SISWare providing as freeware and usage limitation of this software described on License item. SISWare4.7 supports sisx and sis file creation and extraction for Symbian9.x and pre-version.
Standard features including:
- Open SIS file or pkg script file.
- Extract files from sis package.
- Edit SIS file or pkg script and re-build.
- Compile sis file or pkg script.
- Build sis file with multiple options.
- Batch extraction of multiple sis files.
- Sign and UnSign sis file and create self-signed certificate file.
What's new in SISWare4.7:
SIS Product string index bugs fixed, Unhandle index occurs when open multi string of SIS Product/ Platform ID which the pointer that indices to string array is not valid and make SISWare running out of step and lost of data.
Product Serial Number:
Copy this serial number and paste to the authorization input form.
This serial number only use to prevent the crash of running SISWare in different version at the same time.
This package released on June 23, 2007 17.13 PM.
Release Note
More bugs and improvements were done as we are continuing to support and development of SISWare.
Thanks for your support
K. Suwatchai
System requirements
- Windows Me, 2000 or Windows XP
- CPU Pentium 200 MHz or higher
- 20 MB Hard Disk space
- 128 MB of RAM
Contact developers and send feedback to
Thanks for using SISWare.
All advise and comments will be useful for software improvement.
Thanks people who use my software.
K. Suwatchai, Cequenze Technology Inc.
(C) 2007 Cequenze Technology Inc.
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